Local farmers' markets in Ireland

Our interactive map makes it easy to find markets near you, while our comprehensive listings provide all the information you need to plan your visit. From fresh produce to artisanal crafts, our farmers' markets in Ireland offer a wide variety of unique and locally sourced products that you won't find anywhere else.

We're proud to support the farming community in Ireland and to connect you with the best of what they have to offer. Start exploring today and discover the bounty of local farmers markets in your area.

Request market listing

Are you a market owner or manager in Ireland? Want to get your market listed on Farmers Market? We'd love to hear from you!

Simply fill out our online form to request that your market be added to our directory. Once approved, your market will be visible on our interactive map and in our comprehensive listings, making it easy for visitors to find and explore all that your market has to offer.

Click here to request market listing